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Thank you for visiting this part of the site, we really appreciate it. The answer to the question "How can you help us?" is multifaceted.

  1. If you are an experienced Dungeon Master, who home brews their own content and publishes some of it; then perhaps you would like to help us by writing reviews of other creators work? Please email Glen on deadfuldungeons (at) gmail (dot) com.
  2. Follow the links on this blog through to the Dungeon Masters Guild, and if you purchase a product or two - we will receive a few cents as part of the Guild's affiliate scheme. Every little bit helps :)
  3. We at Dreadful Dungeons also produce our own content from time to time. If you decide to purchase a copy from the Guild then please rate it, as this will help us no end.
  4. Finally, subscribe to, comment upon and share this blog site with your friends, so we can reach more people and spread the good word about some of the fine products which have been published on the Guild.


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